Friday, March 13, 2015

Reasons To Act More Like Your Pet

Pets aren’t always easy to take care of, and they often require a substantial time commitment (something you’re all too aware of at, say, 3 a.m., when Bing Clawsby is finally ready to go outside and do his business). But pets provide an amazing return on that time investment, especially when it comes to your health. Case in point: According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pet owners tend to have lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels than non-pet owners. But that’s not all. Pets also model many surprisingly healthy behaviors that humans would do well to emulate. Here are just a few, according to veterinarians, dog trainers, and other pet experts. 

1. They focus on what matters most. You may get grumpy after a bad day at the office, but your pooch never does. “Companion animals mostly care about food, love, and shelter (not always in that order). As long as they have those things, they don’t need much else,” Mary Gardner, DVM, a veterinarian and cofounder of Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice tells Yahoo Health. “Pets also don’t complain much at all. People believe they hide their pain; I simply think they manage it differently.” If humans could model these behaviors, Gardner adds, we’d be healthier, happier, “and more people would want to be around us.” 

2. They practice portion control (even if not by choice). Snowball might not want to limit her kibble intake any more than you want to limit your tortilla-chip intake. Nonetheless, she typically eats reasonably sized helpings of nutritionally balanced food — and never gets to eat straight out of the bag. Follow her lead. “Both animals and people need structure and regulation when it comes to portion size,” says Jme Thomas, executive director of Motley Zoo Animal Rescue based in Redmond, Washington. 

3. They know how to de-stress. Your pooch doesn’t pour a glass of cabernet when the going gets rough (though, yes, it would make a very popular YouTube video if she did). She may, however, start begging for a walk or to play a game. Smart dog! “Actively seeking healthy activities — that function as de-stressors when stress levels are high — helps to reset people as well as dogs, and bring us back to a productive and functional status, from which many things feel a lot more ‘do-able,’” Marisa Scully, a certified dog behavior specialist in Philadelphia, tells Yahoo Health. 

4. They hit the hay. People don’t get enough sleep: According to a 2014 survey by the National Sleep Foundation, 45 percent of Americans said that a lack of sleep had impaired their activities at least once in the previous week. Learn from your cat or dog, who knows just how important it is to get enough shut-eye, says Jeff Werber, VVM, president and chief veterinarian of Century Veterinary Group in Los Angeles. “Whether it’s a lazy dog day afternoon, or a quick cat nap, you won’t find them burning the candles at both ends.” 

5. They stretch! There’s a reason one of the most common yoga moves is named downward dog. Dogs (and cats) stretch constantly — and we should do the same, notes certified dog behavior consultant Russell Hartstein. Why? Stretching can improve flexibility and reduce your risk of injury. 

6. They’re open to new things. Animals are naturally curious. “Open a box or empty a bag and before you know it, your cat will have climbed in to investigate. Walk your dog past a gardener planting flowers and chances are she will check it out before moving on,” Werber says. “And they’re always up for some fun. A game of catch, a walk, a visit — bring it on.” Since research has found that seeking out new experiences can keep people feeling young and healthy, we’d do well to follow suit.

7. They’re comfortable getting zen. Numerous studies have found a correlation between mindful meditation and reduced stress, decreased heart disease, and a stronger immune response — and that’s something your cat already knows how to do instinctively. “Each morning I sit on the sofa with my cat, Turtle, while I drink my first cup of coffee,” says Kristen Levine, a pet living expert. “We spend about 10 minutes together, her getting neck and head rubs, me enjoying her purring and having a few meditative moments at the start of the day.It sounds simple, and it can be, but depending on the activity, it can have a powerfully relaxing or invigorating effect for both human and critter.” 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

E-Cigarettes and Pets Do Not Mix

E-cigarettes are sparking heated debates as lawmakers, medical professionals and industry grapple over the relative safety of the nicotine-delivering devices. But for pet owners, there is no debate. Nicotine poses a serious threat of poisoning to dogs and cats, and e-cigarettes back a powerful punch. The problem is that many pet owners don’t realize it.

Pet Poison Helpline has encountered a sharp uptick in calls concerning cases of nicotine poisoning in pets that ingested e-cigarettes or liquid nicotine refill solution. In fact, over the past six months, cases have more than doubled, indicating that along with their increased popularity, the nicotine-delivering devices are becoming a more significant threat to pets. While dogs account for the majority of cases, nicotine in e-cigarettes and liquid refill solution is toxic to cats as well. “We’ve handled cases for pets poisoned by eating traditional cigarettes or tobacco products containing nicotine for many years,” said Ahna Brutlag, DVM, MS, DABT, DABVT and associate director of veterinary services at Pet Poison Helpline. “But, as the use of e-cigarettes has become more widespread, our call volume for cases involving them has increased considerably.” In an effort to educate pet owners before an accident occurs, Pet Poison Helpline offers this important safety information.

What are e-cigarettes?
E-cigarettes are simply another way of delivering nicotine. Designed to resemble traditional cigarettes, the battery operated devices atomize liquid that contains nicotine, turning it into a vapor that can be inhaled. The most recent craze is flavored e-cigarettes, which are available in an array of flavors from peppermint to banana cream pie, and everything in between.

What makes e-cigarettes toxic to pets?
The aroma of liquid nicotine in e-cigarettes can be alluring to dogs, and flavored e-cigarettes could be even more enticing. The issue is the amount of nicotine in each cartridge, which is between 6 mg and 24 mg. So, each cartridge contains the nicotine equivalent of one to two traditional cigarettes, but purchase packs of five to 100 cartridges multiply that amount many times over, posing a serious threat to pets who chew them. For example, if a single cartridge is ingested by a 50-pound dog, clinical signs of poisoning are likely to occur. But if a dog that weighs 10 pounds ingests the same amount, death is possible. Dogs of any weight that ingest multiple e-cigarette cartridges are at risk for severe poisoning and even death. In addition to the toxicity of nicotine, the actual e-cigarette casing can result in oral injury when chewed, and can cause gastrointestinal upset with the risk of a foreign body obstruction. Some e-cigarette users buy vials of liquid nicotine solution for refilling e-cigarette cartridges. The solution is commonly referred to as “e-liquid” or “e-juice.” The small bottles hold enough liquid to fill multiple cartridges, meaning they contain a considerable amount of nicotine. Pet owners should be very careful to store them out of the reach of pets.

What happens when e-cigarettes are ingested by pets?
Nicotine poisoning in pets has a rapid onset of symptoms – generally within 15 to 60 minutes following ingestion. Symptoms for dogs and cats include vomiting, diarrhea, agitation, elevations in heart rate and respiration rate, depression, tremors, ataxia, weakness, seizures, cyanosis, coma, and cardiac arrest.

What to do if a pet is exposed?
Because nicotine poisoning can happen so rapidly following ingestion, prompt veterinary care can mean the difference between life and death for a pet. Home care is not generally possible with nicotine exposure due to the severity of poisoning, even in small doses. Take action immediately by contacting a veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline at 1-800-213-6680. As always, prevention is the best medicine. E-cigarettes, cartridges and vials of refilling solution should always be kept out of the reach of pets and children.

SOURCE:   Published on September 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Holiday Pet Decorations Safety Tips

While you’re decorating for the holiday season, make sure your home remains safe for your pets. Glass ornaments, tinsel, garland, ribbons, and artificial snow products all can be harmful if swallowed.  Choking and toxins are also potential problems.  Don’t forget about poinsettia plants.  These highly toxic plants could seriously harm your pets if they chew on the leaves. Consider safe, silk plants instead.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Top Ten Winter Skin & Paw Care Tips

Exposure to winter’s dry, cold air and chilly rain, sleet and snow can cause chapped paws and itchy, flaking skin, but these aren’t the only discomforts pets can suffer. Winter walks can become
downright dangerous if chemicals from ice-melting agents are licked off of bare paws.

Says Dr. Louise Murray, Vice President of the ASPCA Animal Hospital, “During the winter, products used as de-icers on sidewalks and other areas can lead to trouble for our animal companions, potentially causing problems ranging from sore feet to internal toxicity. Pet parents should take precautions to minimize their furry friends' exposure to such agents.” To help prevent cold weather dangers from affecting your pet’s paws and skin, please heed the following advice from our experts:

• Repeatedly coming out of the cold into the dry heat can cause itchy, flaking skin. Keep your home humidified and towel dry your pet as soon as he comes inside, paying special attention to his feet and in between the toes. • Trim long-haired dogs to minimize the clinging of ice balls, salt crystals and de-icing chemicals that can dry on the skin. (Don’t neglect the hair between the toes!)

• Bring a towel on long walks to clean off stinging, irritated paws. After each walk, wash and dry your pet’s feet to remove ice, salt and chemicals—and check for cracks in paw pads or redness between the toes.

• Bathe your pets as little as possible during cold spells. Washing too often can remove essential oils and increase the chance of developing dry, flaky skin. If your pooch must be bathed, ask your vet to recommend a moisturizing shampoo and/or rinse.

 • Dressing your pet in a sweater or coat will help to retain body heat and prevent skin from getting dry. • Booties help minimize contact with painful salt crystals, poisonous anti-freeze and chemical ice-melting agents. They can also help prevent sand and salt from getting lodged in between bare toes, causing irritation. Use pet-friendly ice melts whenever possible. • Massaging petroleum jelly into paw pads before going outside helps to protect from salt and chemical agents. And moisturizing after a good toweling off helps to heal chapped paws.

• Brushing your pet regularly not only gets rid of dead hair, but also stimulates blood circulation, improving the skin’s overall condition.

• Pets burn extra energy by trying to stay warm in wintertime, sometimes causing dehydration. Feeding your pet a little bit more during the cold weather and making sure she has plenty of water to drink will help to keep her well-hydrated, and her skin less dry.

• Remember, if the weather’s too cold for you, it’s probably too cold for your pet. Animal companions should remain indoors as much as possible during the winter months and never be left alone in vehicles when the mercury drops.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Part 2 of our discussion on pet dental care! By Dr. Jones

In a prior post, we discussed preventative dental care tips for your pet that you can institute at home.  Just like if you or I didn’t brush our teeth for years, pets who don’t receive routine preventative dental care will inevitably develop diseased teeth and gums.  Common problems include heavy tartar and plaque buildup, serious gingivitis (gum inflammation/infection), recession of the gums, broken or damaged teeth, or even resorption of portions of the teeth (common in cats).  These issues can lead to infection, oral pain, difficulty eating, foul breath odor, and they can even impact other organ systems if left untreated (such as the heart and kidneys).  If our vets notice these issues, they will recommend we pursue an anesthetized dental procedure for your pet to fully evaluated and treat the issues present.

However, for the same reasons that we recommend preventative home dental care for your pets (and that our human dentists recommend twice annual cleanings in the office!), our goal is always to address dental disease well before it gets to an advanced stage.  Once we see early signs of tartar buildup on your pet’s teeth, we recommend scheduling an anesthetized oral examination and dental cleaning right away.

Before we go further, I want to address a common question we hear in the exam room: “Doc, why is anesthesia necessary for the full oral exam and cleaning?  My dentist cleans my teeth without sedation.”  Well, if we could ask our patients to calmly hold still with their mouths open for 20-40 minutes while we use motorized scalers and polishers (not to mention take x-rays!), then we certainly wouldn’t need to use anesthesia either!  J  Yes, there are some non-veterinarians out there offering “anesthesia-free” dental cleanings.  Unfortunately, these procedures cause unnecessary stress and pain for many pets, and often mask or even cause severe tooth and gum issues.  You can read more about this issue here:

It is also important for our pet parents to know that we are an AAHA- accredited veterinary practice (American Animal Hospital Association (, and as such, we adhere to the highest levels of anesthetic care and monitoring.  While some practices have a sole individual responsible for cleaning a pet’s teeth and monitoring their anesthetic episode, we actually have three medical staff involved in each procedure!  These include an anesthesia nurse whose sole job is to monitor every aspect of the anesthetic episode (our dental suite resembles a human operating room!), a “dental hygienist” who will perform the cleaning and charting, and a veterinarian who will assess and treat any disease present.

Once your mind is eased about anesthesia, you might be surprised to find out that your pet’s dental procedure itself actually includes a total of twelve steps! 
1)     Oral examination on the awake pet
2)     Oral examination under anesthesia
3)     Plaque and tartar removal above the gumline using calculus-removing forceps, hand instruments, and power scaling equipment
4)     Scaling below the gumline to remove hidden plaque and tartar
5)     Polishing the teeth to eliminate crevices and scratches in the enamel that would encourage future tartar buildup
6)     Irrigation to remove diseased tissue and plaque from any gingival pockets
7)     Fluoride treatment
8)     Post-cleaning exam and diagnostics, including digital dental x-rays when indicated to evaluate the tooth roots for abscess, fractures, etc.
9)     Medical charting to record any disease present prior to treatment
10)  Therapy to treat any lesions noted.  This might include, among other things: tooth extractions, oral surgery, removal of excessive gum tissue, and injection of antibiotic-impregnated gel into gingival pockets to help prevent future infection.
11)  Detailed communication with pet parents about what was done and our recommendations going forward for home care or future dental procedures.
12)  Follow up progress visits—our dental procedure cost includes at least one progress visit so we can reassess your pet’s mouth and discuss any concerns you have been having, what sorts of home dental care has been working (or not!) for you, etc.

“Wow!” is the typical response I get when I have these conversations in person.  Most parents are shocked to find out the detail and level of care that is involved in our dental procedures at PAH & CCC.  I hope this post has been enlightening for you as well!

Please don’t hesitate to call us with any questions your may have or to schedule an oral evaluation for your pet.  We can assess your pet’s current level of dental health and either help you tailor an individual preventative care plan to implement at home or, if needed, schedule your pet for a sedated oral examination to fully evaluate the oral cavity and discuss treatment option for any issues that may be present.  Don’t forget: dental month is coming up in December!!

Ó 2014 Princeton Animal Hospital All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Outbreak of Deadly Canine Virus Stirs Fear in Dog Owners by Kristen Polo, VMD

Two recent outbreaks of canine parvovirus, in Massachusetts in August, and in central New Jersey in September, has made the news in recent weeks. At latest report, 15 dogs had died in the Massachusetts outbreak, and dozens more in the New Jersey outbreak.

Canine parvovirus is transmitted by oral contact with feces from an infected dog. Because the virus is extremely hardy in the environment, it can also be passed via contaminated soil or other contaminated objects. 

Once a dog is infected, the virus attacks rapidly dividing cells of the body, which includes cells of the bone marrow and the gastrointestinal tract. This results in decreased immune function as well as intractable diarrhea and vomiting.

The illness caused by parvovirus is so severe that most infected dogs will die without treatment.  There is no targeted cure for the infection, rather it is treated with supportive care.  This means that we provide the necessary interventions required to keep the organs functioning and animal alive long enough for the virus to run it's course. Even with rapid and aggressive treatment, many dogs do still succumb, which is why prevention through vaccination is so important.

At Princeton Animal Hospital, we see multiple cases of pets suffering with parvovirus each year. One recent case was an 8 week old mixed breed puppy named Tucker. The owner had gotten the puppy two days prior to presentation, from a friend. The puppy had not received any vaccinations, and was lethargic, not eating, vomiting, and having bloody diarrhea. Lab work showed a severe deficiency of white blood cells, due to the virus attacking the bone marrow, where the white blood cells are made. A test run on the pup's stool confirmed the presence of parvovirus.

After making the diagnosis, our veterinarians instituted immediate and aggressive supportive care. This included intravenous fluid therapy to restore hydration, dextrose supplementation to support blood sugar, and plasma transfusions to provide antibodies to support the immune system, as well as provide vital proteins.  Anti-emetics and anti-diarrheal medications were used to control for further loss of fluids and make the patient comfortable. Day by day Tucker showed minor improvements in his condition, and over the course of six days of intensive care, he recovered; from near death to a happy and thriving pup.

The vaccine for parvovirus is one of the core vaccines for dogs. It is most often administered as a combination vaccine along with distemper, adenovirus, and parainfluenza. When administered at the appropriate times in a dog's life, this vaccine provides highly reliable protection against these diseases. Puppies should receive this vaccine starting at 6 weeks of age, and then every 3-4 weeks until they are 14-16 weeks old. It is then boostered yearly, or at a minimum, every three years.

If your dog is experiencing any concerning symptoms, or if you are unsure if your dog is up to date on his or her vaccinations, please call us at 609-520-2000.

Have you or anyone you've known had a pet who contracted parvovirus? If so, we'd be interested to hear your experiences and comments.

(c) 2014 Princeton Animal Hospital All Rights Reserved

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Heartgard Promo winners

Congratulations to our winners, Dianne and Lisa Johnson, of a new Kindle Fire Tablet in our Heartgard/Nexguard/Frontline promotional drawing we held this summer.