As a responsible and informed dog lover, you probably know
that too much “people food” can make your dog ill or overweight, but there are
some human foods that can be safely added to your dog’s meals in moderation to
give a nutritional boost to Queenie’s diet and add a bit of variety to her food
bowl. Just remember: any additions to your dog’s meals shouldn’t comprise more
than 25 percent of her weekly caloric requirement.
1. Yogurt
is a good source of available calcium and protein. When choosing yogurt, pick
one that has live active bacteria and no sugars or artificial sweeteners. The
active bacteria may act as probiotics. If your pooch is pudgy, make sure that
you pick fat-free yogurt but not one that contains fat substitutes (e.g.,
Simplesse or Olestra). Frozen yogurt is a nice summer treat for dogs.
2. Flax
seed (ground or oil) is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids,
which are essential fatty acids that are good for skin and coat. Whole flax
seeds are best if ground right before feeding as this type of fat can go rancid
quickly. Flax seed can also be added to your dog’s diet as a source of fibre.
Flax oil is a more concentrated form of omega- 3 fatty acids without the fibre.
Make sure that you store the oil or seeds in the fridge in an air tight dark
3. Salmon is a fatty fish which
is also a good source of omega- 3 fatty acids. These fats support the immune
system and can be beneficial for skin and coat health. There has also been some
indication that they may benefit dogs with allergies. You can feed salmon or
salmon oil. If feeding salmon, make sure it’s cooked before serving, as raw
salmon can carry a parasite that can make your dog sick.
4. Pumpkin is a good source of
fibre and beta carotene (a source of vitamin A). Dogs need fibre in their diet.
The current trend is towards highly digestible diets that lower stool volume
and this is not necessarily a good thing. Keeping the GI tract moving helps
keep the cells lining the gut healthy.
5. Sweet
potatoes are another source of dietary fibre and contain
vitamin B6, vitamin C, beta carotene, and manganese. Sweet potatoes are great
sliced and dehydrated as a chewy treat for your dog. There are so many dog
treats on the market that we often overlook the simple, healthy, and reasonably
priced treats available at our grocery store.
6. Green beans are a good
source of plant fibre, vitamin K, vitamin C, and manganese. If your dog has a
tendency to put on weight, then replacing some of her regular food with green
beans is a great low calorie way to fill her up and help her maintain a healthy
weight. Many dogs enjoy green beans frozen.
7. Eggs are a great source of
very digestible protein, riboflavin, and selenium. For some dogs that are prone
to digestive upset, eggs can give them a little protein boost. Adding eggs to
your dog’s food is a healthy treat. Make sure to use cooked whole egg, as raw
egg whites can cause biotin deficiency. If you do a lot of training with your
dog, consider taking cooked eggs to your next class as training treats.
8. Brewer’s yeast is the yeast
that’s left over from making alcohol. Dogs seem to really enjoy the tangy taste
of brewer’s yeast. It’s full of B vitamins which are good for skin, coat, and
carbohydrate metabolism. Make sure you’re using brewer’s yeast (available at
health food stores), not baking yeast which will make your dog sick. Brewer’s
yeast can spice up your dog’s appetite. Just sprinkle a little on the food of a
picky eater and watch her dive into her food.
9. Apples are wonderful crunchy
treats for your dog. Apples with the skin on are full of plant chemicals
(phytonutrients) that are thought to be protective against some types of cancer
in humans. They are a source of vitamins A and C and fibre. Apple seeds,
however, contain cyanide so your dog should not be allowed to eat the core.
Though the effects of a few apple seeds will likely not harm your dog, the
deleterious effects can accumulate over time if allowed to eat apple seeds
10. Oatmeal is a good source of
soluble fibre. This can be beneficial for some older dogs that may have trouble
maintaining bowel regularity. Oatmeal is also an alternative source of grain
for dogs that are allergic to wheat. It can be fed in conjunction with probiotics
to enhance their function. Keep in mind oatmeal should always be fed cooked and
plain with no sugar or flavouring. As always, check with your veterinarian
before making any major changes to your dog’s diet, especially if they are on
any medications. Upsetting the vitamin and mineral balances in your dog’s diet
can have negative effects on your dog’s health and some medications interact
badly with some nutrients. The aim of most dog owners is to give their dogs the
best diet possible. Good nutrition coupled with a health care program may
result in extending your dog’s life by as much as 15 percent. The suggestions
above are not meant to replace your dog’s normal, balanced diet. Rather, they
are ideas for alternative treats or for adding a little variety to your dog’s
Originally published in Modern
Dog Magazine.